

Hello! I'm sorry for the lack of update here and there but I really can not seem to fix this problem with my design and it bothers me so much that I don't even wanna update because I have a hard time uploading pictures, resizing them, editing the text, etc. It's just too much but I will hopefully get it all fixed and done by christmas break! 

So, yesterday I went iceskating with a few of my friends. I had such a good time, until I had to leave for work. My mood kind of downgraded from there on because of some shitty things that happend but I'm still dealing with it. Chad picked me up from work since my own car got into a bit of an... "accident", as most of you guys already know haha. However, my mum took the keys so the never ending joy of having a own car ended after all. I'm not the one to complain, though, so I'm just going to shut my mouth and wait until my parents feel sorry enough for me to hand over the keys again. Yeah, I know, my brilliance is amazing, guys.

This morning I woke up with a disgusting virus, that still seems to linger, and I have no idea what to do, guys. I know a cold sore is on its way, aswell, since I usually get one whenever I'm sick and I really don't want one right now. It's the annual winter prom within a feek weeks and I would love not to look like an alien because once I get sick it'll linger for atleast a month. Yeah. Welcome to the hard life of Nichole Malik, ladies and gentlemen. 

Not only am I getting sick but the finals are killing me. It's almost as if God wants me to fail on my exams because catching a cold and having three exams in a row is not a good way to combine things.

Oh well, atleast I hope you guys are doing better than me.
Goodnight babes.

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